The Man Repeller pays a visit

17 January, 2012

ahhhhhhhh. <-- that's me screaming

I don't even know where to begin, if you are a fashion addict like me than you know who this leading lady is...none other than Leandra Medine best known as The Man Repeller. And I had the pleasure of meeting her at The Webster Miami for an afternoon meet and greet on Sunday January 15, 2011. Weirdly enough I wasn't all that nervous, for those who know me know I am a nervous wreck! As I was led through the section of the boutique were she was comfortably standing by just chatting away with her dearest followers I couldn't believe my eyes, I thought to myself "wow this is really her" of course other gals were taking their chance with her so I had to prance around patiently before I got my chance to have a one-on-one chat with her. I glided over to her when I saw the opportunity and I wasn't surprised to realize how friendly she was, you see I have this power not many of you know.

Leandra is so friendly she makes you feel as though you have known her all of your life. There was so many things I wanted to talk to her about but of course I didn’t bring them up, like have you always love fashion? how do you measure your success? or even where do you get inspiration from? I think I was in a state of disbelief the whole time and I hope she didn’t think I was some bland awkward girl with nothing interesting to say other than I love your blog! Well I am lying I did get to talk to her about a few things like people accusing her of a liar for having a boyfriend (now fiance) and not standing up to her image of the Man Repeller, to her family owning a home here in Aventura (so Aventura natives keep your eyes open you may just spot the Man Repeller wandering around),

Thank you for coming to Miami Leandra!

Check out her blog here.
and shop or browse around The Webster Miami here.

baby, it's cold outside

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